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Ruby, Rails, Web dev articles

Automate Rails server provisioning and deployment using Ansible and Capistrano

by Axel Kee 18 September 2020

One of the hardest thing while learning Rails is to put your Rails application online on the internet so the public can access it. Many tutorials usually recommends Heroku as it is really simple to use, but the downside is that it can get expensive pretty fast, and their free plan has limitation that cold starts your dyno on inactivity and 10k rows limit for database (to force you to buy their paid plan, they need to pay server bills too).

Rails deployment can be hard if you have no prior sysadmin / devops experience, as you are setting up a server from scratch, and bound to came across issue like sudo permission, where to place files, what file to edit, cryptic error messages etc.

Chris Oliver has written an excellent guide for how to setup server and deploying Rails app, I have refered to this a lot when setting up server for my own side project and clientsā€™ app, and almost every time I setup a server following the guide, I would encounter at least one issue, either due to typo or some misconfigurations on my side.

Wouldnā€™t it be great if there is a way to automate the Rails server provisioning? Like if I just run one command and it will setup everything for me? No more typo or misconfiguration issue and checking StackOverflow every time you want to deploy an app.

This has lead me into learning Ansible, which does the automation of the Rails server setup. This post will guide you on how to provision a server and deploy a Rails app using a preset Ansible script I wrote (itā€™s the exact same as what you can achieve using GoRailsā€™ guide, but this time it is automated).

Table of contents :

  1. Demo
  2. Prerequisite
  3. Install Ansible
  4. Create your server with SSH key attached
  5. Rails provisioning Ansible script
  6. Preparing your Rails app for deployment
  7. Deploy your Rails app with Capistrano
  8. Updating environment variables
  9. Debugging on Production
  10. Further reading on Ansible


Hereā€™s what you can achieve in this tutorial using Ansible, by typing the command ansible-playbook server-provision.yml (server-provision.yml is the custom script I wrote), we can set up the server :

Server provisioned : provisioned site

After you make changes on the Rails app, commit or merge to master branch, then type cap production deploy to deploy the new changes, like how you click the ā€œdeployā€ button in Heroku.

updated site


Before proceeding with this tutorial, make sure you

  1. have generated SSH Key on your computer (follow this guide if you havenā€™t, make sure you have ā€œid_rsa.pubā€ file located in ~/your_username/.ssh)
  2. are using a Mac or Linux based OS
  3. have a VPS hosting provider (I recommend using DigitalOcean, you can sign up using this link to get $100 free credit!)

This tutorial will require you to create a Ubuntu 20.04 LTS server with your SSH key preconfigured later on.

Install Ansible

Ansible is the automation tool we will be using to provision our server, letā€™s install it.

If you are using Mac, you can install it with homebrew (easiest) : brew install ansible

or if you donā€™t have homebrew installed, you can install using pip :

check if pip is installed using which pip , if it is not installed :

sudo easy_install pip

then install Ansible using pip :

pip install ansible

If you are using Linux, refer to your distro guide here :

Once you have installed Ansible, move to the next step.

Create your server with SSH key attached

I am using DigitalOcean as my VPS provider, you can use other VPS provider for this step as well.

Before creating a server, make sure you have your computer public key uploaded to the VPS provider. If you havenā€™t, in DigitalOcean, go to Settings -> Security -> SSH Key, then select ā€œAdd SSH Keyā€ :


add key

In your terminal, type nano ~/.ssh/ , then copy the content inside and paste into the form input and submit.

Next, proceed to create a droplet (server).

create droplet

Select ā€˜Ubuntu 20.04ā€™, as the ansible script I wrote for this tutorial is designed for Ubuntu. You can try use other Ubuntu version but I have only tested it on Ubuntu 20.

ubuntu 20

Select at least 1GB RAM for the server, as you will need quite some memory during Ruby compilation (compile Ruby source code to binary).

ram requirement

Select the SSH key of your computer, so the server will be created with a root user that uses your public SSH key for authentication. This is important as the Ansible script will be authenticating as root user using your SSH public key (without using password), and the script will create a deploy user that uses the same SSH public key for authentication (that Capistrano will use to deploy the Rails app).

ssh key

Now proceed to create the droplet (server), and record down the IP address of the server.

Rails provisioning Ansible script

Clone this repository (, which contains the Ansible script I wrote to automate your rails server setup.

git clone

then change directory to the repository :

cd rails-ansible

This repository contains two playbook file (think playbook like a sequence of automated task sent to your server). The server-provision.yml playbook will be responsible for :

  1. Creating deploy user
  2. Disabling password based login for strengthened security (can only login with public key authentication)
  3. Installing Ruby, Nginx, Passenger, Postgresql, NodeJS and Redis
  4. Setup a Sidekiq service file (user-scoped), which you will be able to use later

We will use this to setup the server.

And another playbook server-env.yml is used to update the environment variables in your server, this is very handy when you have added new or updated existing environment variable and want the new value to reflect on the server. You can run this playbook each time you have updated the environment variable.

Before running the server provisioning script, thereā€™s a few variables I want you to change to suit your server needs.

Open up vars/vars.yml, you will see a few variables specified in the YAML file.


Change the value of these variables to suit your needs.

ruby_version: the ruby version that will be installed on your server

app_name: your rails app name

deploy_user: the username of the user that will be created on the server, which will be used for deploying purpose

deploy_password: the password of the user

deploy_user_public_key_local_path : the path to the public key file in your computer (not the server), the script will copy the public key file specified in this path from your computer to the server, so next time when you login as the deploy user, it will authenticate using this public key, as the password based login will be disabled to strengthen security. No need to change this unless you have placed your public key file purposely in other location, when you use ssh-keygen, your public key will by default located in ā€œ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pubā€.

postgresql_db_user: username of the PostgreSQL database user

postgresql_db_password: the password of the PostgreSQL database user

postgresql_db_name: the database name, usually you would use (app_name)_production for this

For the postgresql_version and locales, usually you wonā€™t need to change this unless you have specific need.

Next, open up vars/env.yml, these are your environment variables. Please note that you must change the RAILS_MASTER_KEY and SECRET_KEY_BASE value to match your Rails app value, else you will get error when running the app on the server.


DATABASE_HOST: the host of your database, as this ansible script will install the PostgreSQL database in the same server as the web server (and also app server), this should be localhost unless you are using RDS or some other remotely hosted database.

DATABASE_NAME: the database name, we are using the value of the variable which we have defined in the vars.yml file earlier, no need to change this unless you are using RDS or some other remotely hosted database.

DATABASE_USERNAME: the database username, we are using the value of the variable which we have defined in the vars.yml file earlier, no need to change this unless you are using RDS or some other remotely hosted database.

DATABASE_PASSWORD: the database username, we are using the value of the variable which we have defined in the vars.yml file earlier, no need to change this unless you are using RDS or some other remotely hosted database.

RAILS_MASTER_KEY: master key of your Rails app, please change this to the content of your Railsā€™s app master.key file.

You can access the master.key file in app/config/master.key.


SECRET_KEY_BASE: the secret key used by your Rails app, please change this to your Rails app ā€˜s secret key base value. You can get this value by opening terminal, navigate to your rails app directory, and run EDITOR=nano rails credentials:edit

You can add additional environment variables in this file (envs.yml) as required, eg:

  DATABASE_HOST: localhost

  SOME_KEY: value
  BIG_KEY: abcasdhjk

After making changes to the vars.yml and env.yml files (remember to save), open the hosts.ini file.

Change the IP address below the line [web] to your newly created server IP address :

ip address

Alright now that we have finished the configuration, we can run the automated provisioning script now.

Navigate your terminal to the rails-ansible folder if you havenā€™t already :

cd rails-ansible

then run :

ansible-playbook server-provision.yml

This will run the server provisioning tasks, type ā€œyesā€ and press enter if it ask ā€œAre you sure you want to continue connectingā€.

This process will take around ~20 mins, as it will take 15mins for compiling Ruby from source code (using rbenv install).

After the provisioning task is complete, then run :

ansible-playbook server-env.yml

This will update the environment variable on the server.

At this point your server has completed setup, yay! šŸ„³ But if you visit your serverā€™s IP on web browser now, you will get a ā€œ404 not foundā€ error message, this is because we havenā€™t deploy our Rails app to the server yet, which we will do in the next section.

Preparing your Rails app for deployment

For deployment, we will be using the capistrano gem and some add-ons. Capistrano will SSH to the server (using the deploy user we created earlier), git clone the repository, then run deployment task such as rake db:migrate, rake assets:precompile , restarting the server, etc.

Open your appā€™s Gemfile, add these gems :

gem 'capistrano', '~> 3.14'
gem 'capistrano-rails', '~> 1.6'
gem 'capistrano-rails-console', require: false
gem 'capistrano-passenger'
gem 'capistrano-rbenv'

Install these gems by running :

bundle install

Then install Capistrano to your Rails app using :

cap install STAGES=production

production is one of the stages. On big commercial project, usually thereā€™s multiple stages like QA, staging, production, each stage has different server and configuration, and you can choose which stage to deploy to, if you have multiple server / stage, you can install it cap install STAGES=qa,staging,production .

After installing capistrano, it will generates a few files : This generates several files for us:

Edit the Capfile to look like this :

If you are using Sidekiq in your rails app, you can uncomment the line between namespace :sidekiq do and after ā€˜deploy:failedā€™, ā€˜sidekiq:restartā€™ , these line will stop your Sidekiq instance temporarily before deployment (job in queue will be stored and rerun after deployment) , and start your Sidekiq instance back after deployment to prevent interruption.

Next, open config/deploy.rb , and modify it to look like this :

And lastly, open config/deploy/production.rb , and change the IP address to your server IP address, and change the user used to deploy to the user variable we defined in deploy.rb (ie. the set :user line)

# config/deploy/production.rb
server '', user: fetch(:user), roles: %w{app db web}

Remember to save and commit the changes, and push to your remote Git repository.

git add -A
git commit -m "preparing Capistrano deployment"
git push origin master

Now we have finish preparing the Rails app for deployment, we are going to learn how to deploy in the next section.

Deploy your Rails app with Capistrano

Navigate to your Rails app in the terminal if you havenā€™t already, then run

cap production deploy

Thatā€™s it! Once you run this command, your computer will SSH into the server, then the server will git clone the repository onto the server, and run rake db:migrate, rake assets:precompile, restart passenger (and restart sidekiq if you have uncommented) etc, once it is done, you can go to your server URL and view the deployed Rails app! šŸš€

Next time when you want to deploy new feature or changes, just commit your changes and push to remote, then run cap production deploy again!

Updating environment variables

Letā€™s say you have integrated Stripe payment recently and want to add the API key into environment variable. You can open up the ansible script repository (rails-ansible), modify the vars/envs.yml file to add your new Stripe API key :

  DATABASE_HOST: localhost

  SOME_KEY: value
  BIG_KEY: abcasdhjk

Then open Terminal, navigate to the ansible script folder

cd rails-ansible

then run the server-env.yml playbook again :

ansible-playbook server-provision.yml

This will update the environment variables on your server, and restart the Nginx server so that the new environment variables will be reflected on your Rails app.

Debugging on Production

If you stumble into an error page on your app, you can check the log at these locations in your server :

  1. /home/deploy/myapp/current/log/production.log
  2. /var/log/nginx/error.log

If you would like to do rails:console on your production server, you can do so by navigating to your Rails app folder in your local computer, then run cap production rails:console.

Further reading on Ansible

You can reuse this ansible script for setting up another server, just change vars.yml, envs.yml and the hosts.ini files to suit your new server use.

Essentially Ansible automates your manual command like ā€œsudo apt-get installā€ into a repeatable script. I recommend the book Ansible for Devops by Jeff Geerling if you are interested on learning Ansible.