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Ruby, Rails, Web dev articles

How to call methods dynamically using string of method name

by Axel Kee 15 February 2021

I was working on a feature for my Rails app, which allows merchant to set fulfillment times on each day like this :


The main feature is that once an order is placed, the customer canโ€™t cancel the placed order after the fulfillment time starts on that day (or on tomorrow).

The fulfillment start times are saved in different columns like this :

create_table "fulfillments", force: :cascade do |t|
  t.time "monday_start_time", default: "2000-01-01 00:00:00", null: false
  t.time "tuesday_start_time", default: "2000-01-01 00:00:00", null: false
  t.time "wednesday_start_time", default: "2000-01-01 00:00:00", null: false
  t.time "thursday_start_time", default: "2000-01-01 00:00:00", null: false
  t.time "friday_start_time", default: "2000-01-01 00:00:00", null: false
  t.time "saturday_start_time", default: "2000-01-01 00:00:00", null: false
  t.time "sunday_start_time", default: "2000-01-01 00:00:00", null: false

To check if the fulfillment time has started, my app will get the current day of week using DateTime.current.strftime('%A').downcase . If today is wednesday, then it will return wednesday .

The question now is that how do I access value of different column based on different day of week? Say I want to get the value of thursday_start_time if today is thursday ; or the value of sunday_start_time is today is sunday .

Fortunately, Rubyโ€™s metaprogramming feature allows us to call methods dynamically by just passing the method name into public_send(method_name) or send(method_name) .

Say we have a class like this :

class Duck
  def make_noise
    puts "quack"

  def jump
    puts "can't jump"

We can call the make_noise method by calling"make_noise"), this is equivalent to calling .

For the jump method, we would need to use send instead, as it is a private method,"jump")

For the fulfillment start time, we can then pass in the day dynamically like this :

# this will return 'monday' if today is monday, or 'tuesday' if today is tuesday etc..
day_of_week = DateTime.current.strftime('%A').downcase

# if today is monday, it will call 'monday_start_time', etc..
start_time = fulfillment.public_send("#{day_of_week}_start_time")


Alternatively, you can also pass in symbol instead of string : public_send(:make_noise) .

Passing parameters to public_send / send

If you would like to send parameters to the method, you can pass them after the method name :

class Animal
  def make_noise(noise, times)
    1..times.each do 
      puts noise
end'make_noise', 'quack', 3)
# quack
# quack
# quack

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    Ruby Docโ€™s public_send documentation

    Ruby Docโ€™s send documentation